Ballard Simmons & Campbell, LLP
Dan Ballard and Stacey Simmons have been practicing together in partnership since 1998, and Katherine Campbell joined the practice in 2015. All our firm has ever done is represent physicians in either medical malpractice lawsuits or in defense of Texas Medical Board investigations. In practice for 34 years, 24 years, and 25 years respectively, we have a wealth of background medical knowledge. The very first time you discuss your case with us, you will instantly see that we can dive straight in to the medical issues involved in your case, and that we immediately “get it.” We encourage you to shop around and try this with other firms, because we know you’ll see the difference.
Because of our special expertise in this area, we are frequently called upon to either guest lecture or write articles about the legal issues surrounding the practice of medicine. We have presented accredited CME seminars to over 20,000 Texas physicians. Our seminar topics include defense of lawsuits, defense of Texas Medical Board complaints and investigations, and risk management for a variety of specialty groups such as OB/Gyn, anesthesiology, radiology, pathology, and surgery. We also publish articles relevant to risk management issues of our clients. Both our litigation practice and our Texas Medical Board practice encompass physicians from throughout the state. A representative sampling of our insurance clients includes TMLT, The Doctors Company, ProAssurance, and Medicus.
We have obtained a completely positive outcome in the vast majority of cases, both in court and at the Texas Medical Board. Ballard Simmons & Campbell, LLP is staffed with a full time nurse, Anna Caswell, RN, who assists us with medical research and with getting control of the medical records pertinent to each case. Our two paralegals, Pamela Jackson and Faith Mullins, provide invaluable expertise in assisting us with managing the legal aspects of every case.
Someday when we have time on our hands, we’ll expand our website. For now, we’re busy taking care of our clients. Feel free to call either of us. We’re more than happy to answer any questions you may have, and to speak confidentially with you about your case, so that you can decide whether we seem like a good fit.
Lawyers Associated
Dan Simmons
Stacey J. Simmons
Katherine E. Campbell
Lisa Panique