Kane Russell Coleman Logan
We strive to live four core values every day. These values represent the essential aspects of our guiding principles – the bedrock of the firm.
CharacterThe character of our people forms the cornerstone of our reputation. We respect and defend high standards of ethics and integrity, and we dedicate ourselves to doing the right thing.
EntrepreneurshipThe vitality of our firm and the security of our clients is dependent upon individual success. The firm empowers its team members to control their own destinies as they work toward success for themselves and our clients.
StewardshipOur team members are family. We take seriously the responsibility of looking after one another, offering opportunities for professional growth, and safeguarding our team members’ interests.
MeritocracyPeople thrive in an environment that rewards hard work and initiative. By rewarding significant effort and talent rather than tenure, achievement in our system sustains our firm, our team members, and—most importantly—our clients.
We will become the law firm best known for client dedication, high-level performance, and success.
For our clients, we will be trusted advisors.
To our peers, we will set the industry benchmark.
Internally, we will exemplify the values we see in our most successful clients—strong character, an entrepreneurial spirit, stewardship of our team members and a vibrant meritocracy that recognizes individual contributions while striving for a diverse workplace that mirrors the communities we serve.